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Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Dec 17 2016 at 05:02AM PST in Fall 2016

Present:  Dewey Hom, Bob Hammond, Ken Taylor, Randy Bergman, Warren Butler, Mike Parsons, Ron O’Donnell, Lee Molway, Ray Deluca, Jerry Bohacek, Norm Thiem
Absent:  Scott Parrish
Dewey Hom – Calls meeting to order at 6:40pm
Treasures Report:  Beginning balance:  $7,281.82  Ending balance:  $6,546.84
Topics discussed:

  • Banquet – Ended up with about 200 people.  Feedback was positive on facility, food and association.  Monday night proved to be very popular.  Some would like to see 50/50 money used for a charitable organization.  Warren Butler is still working on corporate sponsorships for next year.  
  • Lee Molway is working on revamping website.  Great progress is being made.  Thanks Lee.
  • Scorekeeping – As discussed at last meeting, Randy made a motion to change scoring method on error vs hit.  This is to take subjectivity out of score keepers’ hands.  His motion is if you get on base and it is not a walk or fielder’s choice, it is a hit.  Motion was 2nd by Warren.  It was voted on and passed with 7 in favor and 2 opposed.
  • Umpires – Have a proposal from Mike.  Do we want to go with 1 umpire?  Approx. $6,000 savings.  Will discuss at next meeting Dec. 19
  • Ballots – Masters Director , Ron O’Donnell won re-election to this position, with a vote of 36 to 34 over Doug Ashby.  All other board positions were unopposed.  
  • Survey – Results of survey:  Keep statistics – yes, keep individual awards – yes, Thursday night league –yes.
  • Pitching screens – discussed whether we need to use these in all leagues.  Do we need to standardize rules for all leagues?  Will discuss at next
    meeting.  Ray Deluca made a motion to use pitching screens for all leagues.  Lee Molway 2nd this motion.  Will vote on this at next meeting.  
  • Next meeting – December 19, 2016 at 6:30 pm – Gameday