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May BOD Meeting 2021

Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Jun 26 2021 at 02:43AM PDT in Spring 2021

May 24, 2021
The monthly meeting of the CSSA was held May 24, 2021, at GameDay Grill, and called to order by Norm Thiem at 12:50 PM.
Members present: Ray DeLuca, Andy Tubbs, Dick O’Conner, Bob Werner, Norm Thiem, Mike Parson, Dewey Hom, Leland Brown.

Absent: John Humeston, Brad Tafoya, Robbie Crider, Randy Bergman
A. Minutes from 4-13-21 meeting were read, and approved.

B. Sponsor updates were given, and currently there are only 4 who have not responded or paid. These sponsors will be contacted by the end of the week in order to close out sponsorship for 2021.

C. Treasures Report: Beginning balance $23,150. Sponsor check of $350 received today which brings current balance to $25,000. Payout coming up this week for expenses such as field rental, umpires & scorekeepers will be approx. $12,000, which will leave the league with approx. $13,000 balance. The financial report was approved.

D. Fall evaluations will be conducted at: Skip Wells Park, July 24 & 25, 2021
Hobgood Park, July 20 & 27, 2021
Fall Season begins August 9th or 16th, according to field availability.

E. Due to some circumstances beyond our control the CSSA Awards banquet has changed dates. The banquet will now be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2021
(9 days prior to Thanksgiving).

F. Bat inspections for compression/pressure as well as labels have worked well. Some bats were found to be illegal and removed from play. Testing/inspections will continue into the fall season. Rattling of bats will not be disqualified from use if the other tests pass.
G. Uniforms are being designed for the 2022 season so most players will have new shirts. The shirts will be supplied by the CSSA using player fees. They will be of better quality, colors, numbers, sponsor names, etc. If a player wishes to have their name printed on the back they will need to pay an additional $20 on their league fee. However, that player will be able to keep their shirt when they leave the league..

H. Rule book completion, originally worked on by Ray McClure, will be conducted over the next few months and ready for the 2022 season. The BOD members working on the completion will be Mike Parson, John Humeston & Ray DeLuca.

I. Next BOD meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 28, 2021, at 6:30 PM at Gameday Grill.

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM


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