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Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on May 23 2022 at 11:53AM PDT in Spring 2022

May 2, 2022
The monthly meeting of the CSSA Board of Directors was held May 2, 2022, at Gameday Grill in Woodstock, and called to order by Norman Thiem at 6:30 P.M.
Members Present: Norm Thiem, Maria Burden, Dewey Hom, Leland Brown, Randy Bergman, Mike Maguire, Dan Bonham, Dick O’Connor, Bob Werner, Mike Parson, John Humeston, Robbie Crider, Ray DeLuca and James Bauch. No Board Members were absent.
A. Minutes of the April 4, 2022 meeting, having been emailed to all, were Board approved.
B. Treasurer/Financial Report, showing projected assets of $15,000 by the end of the Spring season, was Board approved.
C. 2022 Sponsors: All CSSA sponsors have either already paid or have committed, and we have enough sponsors to cover the Skip Wells League for the first time.
D. Jerseys: Most teams have their new jerseys and the rest are in the works. 2021 championship shirts, which will be produced free of charge to the CSSA, are being designed and will be ready by the end of the Spring season.
E. Possible Replacement for TeamPages and Constant Contact: Dan Bonham is still exploring alternative options and will have more to report soon.
F. Collection of Old Jerseys for Charity: CSSA will be collecting as many old CSSA jerseys and used softball equipment as possible, to be donated to Gloves for God and other organizations that sponsor baseball and softball teams for those in need. A collection box could be established for the jerseys to be kept at games. This will be posted on the TeamPages site.
G. 2022 Golf Tournament: Plans for the 2022 CSSA Charity Golf Tournament, which will take place Thursday, June 23, 2022 at Towne Lake Hills Golf Club are coming along well. Twelve of the eighteen hole sponsorships have already been secured at a rate of $100 per hole. More than one sponsor may be accepted per hole if interested sponsors exceed eighteen. This needs to be finalized ASAP to allow time for printing of signs, etc. City of Refuge, which focuses its efforts on ending human trafficking and homelessness, will be an additional beneficiary of this year’s charity golf tournament. All members of CSSA are encouraged to recruit foursomes to sign up for the event and to bring awareness to this event.
H. Player Injuries from Batted Balls: Some recent injuries have brought to light the need to establish a concussion protocol to be employed, and a set of instructions to be used in the event of a possible concussion during a game. The BOD decided to establish a set of instructions and procedures for Managers to use in identifying a possible concussion situation requiring intervention and action to protect that player, as an injured player is not not able to assess their own level of injury. Maria Burden will research and draft a concept document for review at the June 1st BOD meeting.
I. First Aid Kits: The BOD discussed the need for a new set of First Aid Kits to be created and kept in the scorekeepers booth at every game in case a player is in need of an instant ice pack, wound cleanser, antiseptic, coverage for abrasions, etc. While kits were purchased in the past, they became depleted and eventually lost. Leland Brown was nominated to be the Safety Director in charge of establishing the new first aid kits and conducting a monthly inventory/audit of the new kits during the season. Kits will be purchased by the start of the 2022 Fall season, and the Safety Director will get them resupplied before the start of each subsequent season. Maria Burden will assist.
J. Pinch Runners: The BOD voted to uphold the rule which states that in order for a player to be eligible as a pinch runner in a game, that player must be in the lineup.
K. Field conditions: Field conditions were discussed, with emphasis on recent injuries to infield players from excessively hard-packed dirt with serious undulations causing bad hops off batted balls. The home plate area has also become hollowed out and hardened and is potentially hazardous to runners approaching home plate and having to step into a deep recess to hit the plate. The board discussed what can be done to level out the home plate area for batters and runners. James Bauch volunteered the possibility of bringing his skid steer to level off the infield (if the CRPA allows it). Members also discussed the possibility of obtaining a comprehensive home plate mat that has integrated right- and left-handed batters boxes. Some members felt that unless the home plate area is leveled out, the flexible mat will follow the topography and dip into the hollow areas, potentially creating a new trip/pitching hazard. Mike Parson will research the mat concept and report back to the BOD at the next meeting.

Norman Thiem reminded league directors that all team managers must collect the new jerseys from players at the end of the Spring season so they can be reused for future seasons. Players who do not return their jerseys will be required to pay for them.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
The next BOD meeting will be Monday, June 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.


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