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CSSA Board of Directors Meeting

Posted by Yvonne Cartledge on Apr 13 2016 at 06:59AM PDT in Spring 2016

CSSA Board of Directors Meeting
April 4, 2016
Present: Dewey Hom, Commissioner; Warren Butler, Vice Commissioner; Glenn Peacock, Secretary; Ken Taylor, Treasurer; Mike Parson, American League Director; Ron O’Donnell, Master League Director; Ray DeLuca, Senior League Director; Jerry Bohacek, Legends League Director; Bruce Stokes, Lowell Lawson League Director; Scott Parrish, Player Representative
Absents: Randy Bergman, Legacy League Director
Dewey Homs called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm
Secretary Minutes: February minutes presented and passed unanimously.
Treasurers Report: Beginning balance $6,163.04, ending balance $20,715.26
Revenue: $17,882.02
Expenses: $3,329.80
Discussed and passed unanimously.
Topics discussed:
American League pickups:
A spirited discussion by the Board on how to help the American League teams have sufficient amount of players for their Tuesday night games without hurting the Master League teams took place. After much discussion the board will continue following the rules that are already in place. Players from the Master League can be asked to fill in and have the right to say no without any repercussions. This topic will be revisited at our next meeting with Master managers present to express any concerns that they may have.
Summer League:
An informal poll will be taken by the League Directors to see if there is any interest in a 4-6 week summer softball league. This would take place between the end of the Spring season and the beginning of the Fall season.
Cost Cutting:
The Association is looking for suggestions that could help defray our yearly cost. (i.e. championship hats vs. championship shirts, eliminate some awards, and replacing team shirts every three years instead of the present two year cycle). All ideas will be appreciated and considered.
Electronic Scorekeeping:
Although great effort has been made to get the weekly player stats inputted in a timely manner, the board is pursuing the purchase of computer pads with an application to get the stats posted sooner and cheaper. The board will be purchasing an Ipad type device and application. This will eliminated the tedious task of inputting stats individually and can have the weekly game stats posted sooner.
First aid kits: The board will be procuring first aid kits so that minor injuries can be attended in the event of any injuries.
Woman’s League:
The Association is presently recruiting women (40 and older) who would like to form a league. Anyone interested should contact any member of the association to that we can start compiling a list of potential players.
League Updates:
Lowell Lawson League is in need of players for Wednesday morning. Anyone interested should contact Bruce Stokes.
Next meeting 6:30 pm May 2, 2016.
Adjourned at 8:05

Respectfully submitted by
Glenn H. Peacock


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