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CSSA Board of Directors Meeting September 29, 2014

Posted by Yvonne Cartledge on Oct 02 2014 at 08:07AM PDT in Fall 2014

Present: George Stroh, Commissioner; Paul Knotts, Vice Commissioner; Glenn Peacock, Secretary; Dewey Hom, Treasurer; Terry Cartledge, American League Director; Bill Corridori, Legends League Director (Interim); Peter Fowler, National League Director; Ron O’Donnell, Master League Director; Mike Ryan, Lowell Lawson League Director; Randy Bergman, Legacy League Director; Director Ken Taylor; Player Representative

Absent: Ray DeLuca, Senior League

George Stroh called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m.

Secretary: Minutes read and discussed. Minutes passed unanimous.

Treasurers Report: Beginning amount $22,127.14 Ending amount $24,407.99. Since last meeting the Association have received income from sponsors and players fees. Discussed and passed unanimously.

Topics Discussed:

Commissioner George Stroh introduced and welcomed Bill Corridori as the Interim Director of the Legends League. He will fill this position until an election in the fall is held.

 Web site: Yvonne Cartledge discussed with the board on the progress of the web site: www.cssa.teampages.com. The site can be accessed by all association players. Players are encouraged to complete a player profile on themselves. Players should access web site and explore the features of the website. If they have any questions or problems they should contact either a board member or Yvonne Cartledge and or Anne Ryan. It is the goal to have all stats entered by Thursday of that weeks game pending any unforeseen problems. The board thanked Yvonne Cartledge for all her work on getting site on line and working properly.

 Banquet: Banquet is scheduled for November 8th, 2014. All tickets are $10.00 per person. $15.00 at the door. Bedoe’s BBQ is catering the banquet. League Directors through their managers will need a count of members planning to attend along with spouses as soon as possible. October 13th is the tentative date for such count.

 Fall elections:

The following members having been nominated and having no opposition will be voted on by the members by November 8, 2014.

National League: Pete Fowler (incumbent)
American League: Warren Butler
Senior League: Ray DeLuca (incumbent)
Master League: Ron O’Donnell (incumbent)
Legacy League: Randy Bergman
Lowell Lawson: Mike Ryan (incumbent)
Legends League: Bill Corridori

 Voting for the Arnold Fowler Award will be taken as soon as possible. League Directors will distribute ballots through their managers to have players vote. Players who are on multiple teams are only allowed to vote but once.

Awards: Names of players from the Spring season were distributed to the Directors to verify the different awards to be handed out at the banquet. Names from the Fall season need to be given to Pete Fowler as soon as the season ends so that awards can be properly presented.

 Make up Games: Monday games have been made up. All Tuesday games that were rained out need to be rescheduled. Only one Wednesday nights game needs to be rescheduled.

 Grace periods for teams that are short of players: 15 minute grace period to start the first scheduled game of the night per league. Once a team has a legal lineup, even though they may still be short of a full complement the game will start immediately.

Other business: These items were discussed and were tabled for further discussion.

 Softballs: Need to decide on type of softballs and bats that will be allowed for the 2015 Spring and Fall season. The board discussed the pros and cons of using 52/300, 44/375, 40/375 ASA softballs. Also the pro and cons of switching to a yellow softball rather than a white softball.

 Pitching Cylinders: Whether to follow the following CPRA rule: If a pitcher gets hit from a line drive within the confines of the pitching cylinder, the batter is out. The bat is checked for compression range. If the bat is found to be illegal the batter is suspended for one year. This may be a league specific decision whether to adhere to said rule.

Next meeting November 3, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Recreation Center.

Adjourned at 7:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Glenn H. Peacock
CSSA Secretary

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