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Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Sep 29 2022 at 07:47AM PDT in Spring 2022

September 12, 2022
The monthly meeting of the CSSA Board of Directors was held September 12, 2022, at Wicked Wings, Kennesaw, and called to order by Norman Thiem at 6:40 P.M.
Members Present: Norman Thiem, Dick O’Connor, Dan Bonham, Mike Maguire, Dewey Hom, Maria Burden, Bob Werner, Mike Parson, Leland Brown, Robbie Crider and Ray DeLuca.
Board Members John Humeston, James Bauch, Randy Bergman and Steve Fleming were absent.

A. Minutes of the August 8, 2022 meeting, having been emailed to all, were Board approved.
B. 2022 Sponsors: Leaf Cremations, Beckett’s and Door to Door are no longer sponsors. Team jerseys with those company names will be replaced in the spring 2023 season. Rather than reprint jerseys and rename teams at this late date, it was decided that the fees would come out of our charity fund and new sponsors and new jerseys would replace them in the 2023 season. Mellow Mushroom would like to return as a sponsor, and Wicked Wings, Kennesaw will be approached as a new sponsor.
C. Treasurer/Financial Report: Norman Thiem presented a complete profit/loss report showing that after all financial commitments are met, CSSA will be in good shape as we enter the last quarter of the year. Dan Bonham reported that the online payment portal he set up at www.cssasoftbal.org for player fees worked very well, collecting about 90% of the player fees for the Fall 2022 season. This resulted in a vastly more streamlined payment collection process, and less for the managers and league directors to keep track of, etc. This payment portal will be used for future player registration fees and events like the banquet and golf tournament, etc.
D. Rule Clarification: The Board voted to add a few words to the language of Rule 15 (Mercy Rule), subsection c. to more clearly state its original intent.
E. 2022 Banquet: Ray DeLuca discussed plans for this year’s banquet, which will take place November 15th at Fendley Farmstead in Canton. The event will be catered by Sidelines Prestige Catering and ticket cost will likely be $25.00 depending on prevailing cost of products. The menu and details will be finalized in the next few weeks. Player-sponsors will receive 2 free tickets as usual. Tickets can be purchased on the payment portal at https://cssasoftball.org/product-category/events/ , and paper tickets will not be issued. All those attending are requested to bring a new unwrapped toy for the holiday toy drive, and there will be a 50/50 fundraiser at the event. There was a discussion of trophies/medals and future ideas for player achievement awards.
F. Arnold Fowler Award: All are encouraged to participate in nominations for this award, and the cutoff for nominations will be October 7th. Here are details on the Arnold Fowler Award: In 1997, the Board of Directors recognized that there was more to softball than batting averages, home runs and RBIs. It was decided that one player should be chosen, who demonstrates the qualities of sportsmanship, integrity, dedication, teamwork and other intangibles to the highest degree. The Arnold Fowler Award is the most special award issued through the CSSA, because the winning player is chosen by his or her peers.
If you would like to nominate someone for the 2022 Arnold Fowler award, please do so by submitting a written detailed reason as to why you think this person deserves this prestigious award. Please include your name and phone number
Address your nominations to Ray DeLuca via email Djray351@aol.com or postal service: 105 Rock Creek Drive, Canton, GA 30114 (770) 355-3911
Nominations must be received NO LATER than October 7, 2022. Past winners of this award are not eligible. To view the list of previous recipients, click here: https://www.teampages.com/organizations/2042/pages/85742
G. Championship Shirts: Norman Thiem shared the design for the 2022 championship shirts, which will be produced by DeWayne Logan of Misfit Sports Apparel.
H. Hardship Funds: The board voted to assist a CSSA player in need from the charity fund.
I. Fall Charity Golf Tournament: This popular fundraiser will take place on November 2nd. Fees will be $90 per player and participants should bring a new unwrapped toy for the kickoff of our annual toy drive. Fees should be paid as soon as possible at: https://cssasoftball.org/product-category/events/ An article will be posted on TeamPages with full details.
J. Celebrating Lee Molway and Les Taylor: Dick O’Connor announced that Wednesday, September 14th during morning games at Hobgood Park, Lee Molway would be brought with his wife to the park in a limousine (ride donated by a CSSA friend) to spend some time watching games and visiting with friends. Lee has entered hospice. Les Taylor turned 90 years old this week and he will be celebrated for this landmark birthday. It goes without saying that both men are treasured friends and invaluable contributors to the CSSA organization.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. The next BOD meeting will be Monday, October 3rd, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., location to be determined.


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