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Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Nov 23 2016 at 05:44AM PST in Fall 2016

Present:  Dewey Hom, Warren Butler, Bob Hammond, Randy Bergman, Mike Parsons, Lee Molway, Ray Deluca, Ken Taylor, Jerry Bohacek, Ron O’Donnell
Absent: Scott Parrish
Dewey Hom – calls meeting to order at 6:30pm
Secretary Minutes:  October minutes presented, but were amended and sent out for comments.  None made and posted.
Treasures Report:  Beginning balance- $12,480.38.  Ending balance – $6,193.68
Topics Discussed:
·        Checked with everyone about banquet tickets and all money collected.
·        Everything set with food, waiting on a final count.
·        Banquet  – Doors open at 6:30, dinner at 7:00, program starts at 7:45.
·        Evaluation dates:  February 11/12, February 18/19, 2017
·        Spring season starts March 13, 2017
·        Discussed meeting with NGUA
·        Discussed meeting with second party, and possibly using his umpires.
·        Umpires are 40% of our budget, how would we like to move forward to reduce this cost?
·        Discussed going to 1 umpire at a game.  Consensus among board members was using 1 umpire was the way to go.  Would like league directors to discuss with team managers and get their input. Will discuss in December.
·        Lee Molway has fixed some issues with website and projected to be future webmaster.  Thanks Lee.
·        Score keeping –it was suggested that we simplify scoring.  The idea was if you get on base it is a hit or a walk.  This takes the subjectivity out of the scorekeepers’ hands and makes it more fair, and easy for automated scoring. Will discuss before season starts.

·        Next meeting – December 5th, 6:30 pm at GameDay.     


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