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November Board of Director's Meeting

Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Nov 08 2019 at 05:17AM PST in Fall 2019

PRESENT: Norm Thiem, Andy Tubbs, Leland Brown, Darrell Moreland, Dick O’Connor, John Humeston, Bob Werner, Bob Hammond, Robbie Crider, Don DiSalvo, Randy Bergman, Ray Bryant, Jack Delaney
ABSENT: Dewey Hom, Ray Deluca

Meeting called to order at 6:35pm
Minutes from last meeting were reviewed and approved
Financial report was reviewed and discussed and approved

Banquet update – approximately 120 tickets sold at this time.
National League director – because of voting irregularities, there will be a re-vote. Managers will be asked to have their players send their votes by email to Norm Thiem.

Proposal to create a second player rep was discussed. It was tabled and be discussed further at next board meeting.
League Specific Rules – All rules must be submitted in writing before the season to the Board of Directors where they will need to be approved.
All rules in new rules book will be discussed and will need approval. To be done at December meeting.
Proposal for a competitive balance change for all leagues. Proposed to go to a similar system used by Bob Werner and Randy Bergman in their leagues. Tabled until next meeting when options will be discussed.
Darrell Moreland resigned as Director of the Monday Morning Cornerstone League. The Board would like to thank Darrell for volunteering his time to serve in this capacity. Jack Delaney will be the new League Director. We would like to welcome Jack to the board.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm