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Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Mar 27 2019 at 02:01AM PDT in Spring 2019

March 4, 2019

The monthly meeting of the CSSA Board was held 3-4-2019, at R & M Hoagie Shop in Canton, and called to order by Norm Thiem at 6:30 PM;

A. Minutes: February 18, 2019, was reviewed, and some changes were made and/or corrected.

B. Changes and/or corrections made:
1. Time limits for games will be 65 minutes for morning leagues and 60 minutes for evening leagues;
2. Skip Wells, Cornerstone, Masters, American & National leagues will begin open inning(s) after the 5th inning
3. Legacy, Legends & Lowell Lawson leagues will begin open inning(s) after the 4th inning;
After corrections were made the BOD voted and passed minutes.

C. Financial Report: Current Balance (after expenses) $6,048.39. Expenses were paid for:
Skip Wells, softballs, insurance and umpire shirts.
We still need to order some replacement shirts, as well as complete team shirts for new sponsors. Also need to pay fees for Hobgood Field rentals.
***It is VERY IMPORTANT that managers collect player fees at their FIRST game, and turn fees into their league director ASAP.

D. Rosters: Teams/Leagues with 10 or 11 positions will have 3 players over for maximum and 2 players over for minimum (personnel permitting). This measure was discussed, voted & passed.

E. Substitute players: will be league specific. Each league director will meet with managers prior to the beginning of the season, and place specifics in writing;

F. Treasure: We are still looking for someone to step forward and take over the office of Treasurer for CSSA in 2019. Currently Dewey Hom & Norm Theim are sharing responsibilities, but we need someone to take this position over in full capacity. Please contact one of the board members to apply for this position.

G. Spring season: will begin on Monday, March 25, 2019.

H. Sponsorships: Some changes to team sponsors are as follows:
1. Precision Door will replace Aable Johns;
2. Centennial Chiropractic will replace Precision Door;
3. Premier Collision replaces Cruise Planners
* Still need 1 sponsor for Wednesday morning*

I. Sponsor Plaques & Fees: Plaques for appreciation along with a bill for the upcoming 2019 season were received at the February 18th meeting. These should have been presented to the 2018 sponsors by the league director and/or team manager. It is imperative that sponsor fees be collected ASAP.

J. Hitting Pitching Screen: Clarification to hitting the pitching screen at a single time at bat:
1. Maximum number the screen can be hit by a batted ball is 3 times per at bat;
2. Hitting the pitching screen only counts as a strike when it is second strike.

K. Bats will be inspected for 2019. Bats will be inspected 1 team at a time in accordance to their practice times. If practice times are not available due to weather, then bats will be inspected prior to first games and/or ASAP. All bats passing inspection will have a non removable label attached, and labels must be present whenever the bat is used.

L. Player Eligibility:
1. All players must be 49 years of age or older;
2. Players will be placed into the best league that is in accordance with their skill level to protect them both offensively & defensively;
3. Players should be placed on teams to help maintain a competitive balance of adjustment.

M. Pat Hill: It was discussed and agreed upon that Pat Hill may return to the league to play ball w/o sitting out a year due to leaving a team in the prior season.

N. Proposal was made to change the draft process. Due to the length that this discussion will take, it was decided to table the discussion until our next BOD meeting. This may include tweaking the rules, players, leagues, teams, etc.

O. Next meeting will take place 6:30PM, March 25, 2019, Gameday in Woodstock.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.


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