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Runner Protection Rule--Now Part of CSSA's Official Rules of Play for All Leagues

Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Apr 11 2023 at 09:21AM PDT in Spring 2023

Attention CSSA Managers and Players,
Several leagues have already adopted this as a league-specific rule, and Dick O’Connor proposed that it be adopted as a rule of play for the entire CSSA organization. The Board of Directors voted to make it so. The rule reads:

15. Runner Protection Rule:
Runners on first and third base may stand 3-4 feet in foul territory at the time of the pitch to protect themselves from line drives. They must retouch their bases after the ball is hit and before advancing. Penalty for failure to retouch the base is that the runner is out on appeal. The runner may not use this as a running start before the ball is hit. Penalty for a running start is a dead ball, and the runner is out. This would be an option for the baserunner and not a requirement.

To see the Rules of Play in their entirety, click here: https://teampages.com/organizations/2042/pages/84123


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