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CSSA Board Meeting Minutes April 4, 2023

Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Apr 14 2023 at 08:07AM PDT in Spring 2023

April 4, 2023

The meeting of the CSSA Board of Directors was held April 4th, 2023, at Wicked Wings, Kennesaw, and called to order by Norman Thiem at 6:30 P.M.
Board Members Present: Norman Thiem, Dick O’Connor, Dewey Hom, Maria Burden, Bob Werner, Mike Parson, Leland Brown, Robbie Crider, Marty Aftewicz, John Humeston, Randy Bergman and Dan Bonham.

Board Members James Bauch, Ray DeLuca, Mike Maguire and Steve Fleming were absent.

A. Minutes of the March 6, 2023 meeting, having been emailed to all, were Board approved.
B. 2023 Sponsors: For the first time we have no shortage of sponsors and we have several entities wishing to sponsor teams waiting in the lineup.
C. New Pitching Screens: After a few games using the new pitching screens, the Board decided to maintain the pitcher’s distance from the screen at 15 feet, and re-evaluate based on feedback after the spring season ends.
D. Runner Protection Rule: Several leagues have already adopted this as a league-specific rule, and Dick O’Connor proposed that it be adopted as a rule of play for the entire CSSA organization.The rule reads: Runners on first and third base may stand 3-4 feet in foul territory at the time of the pitch to protect themselves from line drives. They must retouch their bases after the ball is hit and before advancing. Penalty for failure to retouch the base is that the runner is out on appeal. The runner may not use this as a running start before the ball is hit. Penalty for a running start is a dead ball, and the runner is out. This would be an option for the baserunner and not a requirement. The Board voted to adopt this into the Rules of Play. An announcement will be made on TeamPages and the rule will be added to the Rules of Play.
E. Jerseys: New jersey orders are underway for teams with new sponsors and/or players needing jerseys in a different size, and should be ready next week.
F. CSSA 25th Anniversary Hats: Twenty hats are still available in two styles for $10.00 each. Anyone interested in buying one can see Randy Bergman at Hobgood Park Monday mornings, Tuesday evenings, Wednesday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
G. Evaluations: The Board discussed evaluations and how to balance player evaluation results, appropriate league assignments commensurate with skill level, and each player’s availability to play on that leagues day or night. For the Fall evaluation days, every league director will be present and will evaluate players to provide more information for the draft. New players will be assigned a league or leagues based on the results, and can only be drafted to teams within that league (or leagues). There was discussion of the possible creation of a new league for new players who may not have played ball for many years, to give them a place to play, rebuild their skills and bring them up to playing speed. After a season in the new league, these players could be reevaluated and placed in a league commensurate with their updated skill level.
H. Electronic Scorekeeping: Norman Thiem brought up the idea of electronic scorekeeping, having seen it in action successfully at a recent game in another location. He asked if the Board should consider this as a future option. Previous use of electronic scorekeeping by CSSA was discussed.
I. Charity Recreational Senior Softball Tournament: The BOD discussed the tournament in Cartersville to raise money for a children’s charity on Saturday, April 22nd. CSSA is putting together a team, and we have invited other senior recreational softball associations to participate and raise money for a good cause. Teams must be 50+ in age and using ASA/USA bats. Cost per team is $250.00 and we have four teams so far.
J. Waivers for All Players: Waivers are up to date for all current players, except those who have not yet played their first games.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. The next BOD meeting will be Monday, May 1st at 6:30 p.m. at a location to be determined.


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