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NOV Minutes

Posted by Dewey Hom on Nov 18 2015 at 06:04AM PST in Fall 2015

CSSA Board of Directors MeetingNovember 9, 2015Present: Dewey Hom, Commissioner; Paul Knotts, Vice Commissioner; Glenn Peacock, Secretary;Ken Taylor, Treasurer; Warren Butler, American League Director; Ron O’Donnell, Master League Director; Ray DeLuca, Senior League Director; Jerry Bohacek, Legends League Director; Bruce Stokes, Lowell Lawson League Director; Mike Parson, American League Director Elect; Scott Parrish, Player Representative Elect

Absent: Peter Fowler, National League Director; Randy Bergman, Legacy League Director; TerryCartledge, Player Representative

Dewey Hom called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm

Secretary Minutes: Read and discussed, voted on unanimously to accept as presented.

Treasurers Report: Beginning balance $15,849.30. Ending balance $12,688.30The budget was discussed and voted on unanimously to accept as presented.

Topics discussed:New personnel at CRPA.

 Change of Location to Fendley Farmstead 1287 Sardis Road, Canton, GA
 Anyone who would like to help with the banquet contact Ray DeLuca or any other board member.

 Program design.

 Motion made to award Lead umpire a $200.00 gift card. Passed unanimously.

Future topics:Locating a future site to hold our annual softball banquet.Selling tickets earlier in the season.

Next meeting December 7, 2015. All are welcome to attend.Adjourned at 7:20pmRespectfully submitted byGlenn H. Peacockpeacock7850@yahoo.com