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Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Jul 01 2022 at 04:52AM PDT in Spring 2022

The monthly meeting of the CSSA Board of Directors was held June 6, 2022, at Gameday Grill in Woodstock, and called to order by Norman Thiem at 12:07 P.M.
Members Present: Norm Thiem, Maria Burden, Dewey Hom, Leland Brown, Dick O’Connor, Bob Werner, Mike Parson, John Humeston, and James Bauch.
Board Members Randy Bergman, Robbie Crider, Ray DeLuca, Dan Bonham and Mike Maguire were absent.
A. Minutes of the May 2, 2022 meeting, having been emailed to all, were Board approved.
B. Treasurer/Financial Report was suspended due to Dan Bonham being absent.
C. 2022 Sponsors: Donovan’s Irish Pub is still unpaid for the Spring 2022 season. Beckett’s and Door-to-Door have been moved on the books to the Spring season, and we now have Misfit Sports as a sponsor, and Cancun and El Ranchero are back and paid sponsors as well. We need only one more sponsor for Thursday nights. As Jerr-Air will sponsor multiple teams, it was suggested that the sponsor names should be Jerr-Air 1 and Jerr-Air 2 to distinguish the teams.
D. Concussion Protocol: The BOD discussed this at length, and studied the procedures in use by other recreational softball associations. The board decided to establish a set of instructions and procedures for Team Managers to use in identifying a possible concussion situation requiring intervention and actions to protect that player, as an injured player is not not able to assess their own level of injury. Maria Burden will draft the policy for discussion and revision/approval and possible vote at the next BOD meeting. Norm Thiem proposed that Fall 2022 should be a “Season of Encouragement” in which infield players will be encouraged to consistently wear head/face protection in games to avoid injury. The Board agreed to purchase 4 headgear units and make them available for players to try using them. Maria Burden will write an article on the benefits of face/head protection to be posted before the start of the Fall 2022 season, and Dewey Hom donated photos of the facial injury he sustained before he began wearing protective gear, for use in the article.
E. First Aid Kits: Norm Thiem has ordered softball-specific first aid kits for Hobgood Park and Skip Wells and kits will be stored in CSSA’s own locker at the park with access available during games.
F. Replacement for TeamPages and Constant Contact: Dan Bonham has established a website to replace TeamPages, which is WordPress platform and component-driven. It should simplify the process of updating rosters, schedules, news, statistics and much more. The site will be run parallel to Team Pages until any bugs have been worked out and a switchover can be carried out.The new site will also eliminate the need for ConstantContact, and enable online payments right on the site, and offers easy-to-access support.
G. 2022 Golf Tournament: Plans for the 2022 CSSA Charity Golf Tournament, which takes place Thursday, June 23, 2022 at Towne Lake Hills Golf Club are coming along well. Twenty-two hole sponsorships have already been secured at a rate of $100 per hole. All members of CSSA are encouraged to recruit foursomes to sign up for the event and to bring awareness to this event.
H. Home Plate Mats: Members continued the discussion of comprehensive home plate mats that have integrated right- and left-handed batters boxes. It was decided that Mike Parson will order a sample mat in a 12 foot x 6 foot size and it will be tried out at Thursday pickup games.
I. Bat Checking: The issue of stickers falling off bats due to wet weather was discussed. The Patriot League will need to have all bats tested again, and it was decided that two umpires should test bats, and Mike Parson will run the log book to record results.
J. Balls: The board decided that League Directors would provide balls to the umpires before games, and take that responsibility off Team Managers to reduce delays during games.
K. Players Not Wearing Sponsor Jersey at Games: The board agreed that, out of respect for our sponsors, all players must wear their team (sponsor) jersey at all games; players who violate this requirement may be subject to disciplinary action.
L. Players Who Violate the Code of Conduct: The board discussed some situations in the Spring 2022 season in which unsportsmanlike player conduct during games necessitated that warnings and disciplinary action be taken.
M. Tryouts for Fall 2022 Season: Tryouts will be held July 23rd & 24th and July 30 & 31st from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Hobgood Park. Signs and business cards will be printed to promote new player tryouts.
N. Commitment Line: The rulebook says the commitment line should be drawn 20 feet from the back point of home plate, but the board agreed that 30 feet from the back point of home plate would be better. This item will be voted on at the next BOD meeting.
O. Pitchers Uncovering from Screen before Ball is Hit: In order to reduce the risk of injury to pitchers, it was proposed that penalties be increased to deter this practice. Dick O’Connor will write the rule proposal and it will be voted on at the next BOD meeting.
The meeting adjourned. The next BOD meeting will be Tuesday, July 5th, 2022 at 12:00 p.m at Gameday Grill.


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